Circular economy

Where we will solve this challenge

Check out the map to see all the cities that face similar challenges in this area!

How can we reduce waste or energy use?


Reduce, reuse, recycle, rethink! Will you rethink your lifestyle to achieve more (success, joy, __) with less (energy, materials, stress, __)? What is the best way you can take the journey towards a sustainable world now and enjoy the process?

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How can we develop strategies to improve a better land use in the context of Cagliari?


The value of the soil resource - in terms of the provision of eco-systemic services regulation support and cultural - is one of the causes of its misuse which leads to serious effects deriving from the loss of its functions.

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How can we change our usage of plastics to keep the benefits while limiting the problems?

New Delhi

The linear economy of plastics does not resolve the issues of plastics pollution

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What intelligent recycling model can help us reduce solid waste?


A lot of solid waste reaches landfills. Let's reduce it by 40% by finding an intelligent recycling system!

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How can we prepare Brno for Climate Change?


According to #brno2050 strategy and the votes from the citizens, one of the most important aspects of the quality of life will be the healthy and living environment as well as the nature in the city. Let's prepare Brno for Climate Change!

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How can Galway become one of the lowest carbon footprint cities in the world by 2030?


The top 100 highest-footprint cities worldwide drive roughly 20% of the global carbon footprint. If all cities globally, whether large or small, made concerted efforts to reduce their carbon footprints it would make a significant impact on decarbonisation pathways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

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How can we transform city challenges like waste management into urban opportunities?


In recent years the generation of waste in urban areas of municipalities has increased, accompanying the increase in living standards and urbanization. A shift towards a circular economy, producing less or even no waste, could be the alternative.

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Make Izmir more resistant and prepared to climate change!


In this Climathon, we will be looking for answer to the question of how we can increase the resiliency and preparation capacity on a local scale, especially on a business scale, against natural disasters caused by climate change as a priority problem area.

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How can we shift to a circular economy?


New technologies, coordinated action of various actors at local level can help shift to a circular economy. Combined, they can stimulate fishermen to fish marine litter (macroplastics) and bring them to shore while creating recycling/reuse opportunities at city level.

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How do we make the economy more circular?

Traditional linear economy supports short-sighted design, conspicuous consumption, and inefficient waste handling. Cities are prime candidates for pioneering a new, long-term vision: The circular economy—which integrates sustainable production (across supply chains), as well as consumption.

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In the European Union’s framing of the circular economy, a circular economy model is emphasised whereby the “value of products, materials and resources is maintained in the economy for as long as possible, and the generation of waste minimised” through adopting strategies such as re-use, repair, refurbishing and recycling to extend the useful life of existing materials, components and products.

With the industrial sector being responsible for about 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions it is evident that our production systems need to decarbonize.

At present, two thirds of industrial emissions come directly from materials processes, irrespective of the energy mix used. Implementing circular approaches has the potential to reduce EU CO2 emissions associated with the production of steel, plastics, aluminium and cement by 60% in the next 30 years.

To achieve the climate targets, our economies need to reconfigure material flows. We need to move from a linear model based on a 'take-make-dispose' pattern to industrial systems and economies aligned with circular economy principles. According to the British Standard Institute (BSI), the idea of a circular economy cannot be reduced to a simplistic definition, as it proposes a different way of thinking about the structure of our economies. This definitional challenge is also a legacy of its antecedents which can be traced back to different schools of thought ranging from industrial ecology, performance economy, biomimicry, cradle to cradle, blue economy, regenerative design and natural capitalism.

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